Tuesday, July 26, 2011

If you name your child.

If you name your child, Jessica.
She will be manipulative in some way.
If you name your child, David.
He will be different or unique.
If you name your child, Lucy.
She will be popular and attractive.
If you name your child, James.
He will have sex with more people than average.
If you name your child, Jesus.
He will die for people's sins.
If you name your child, Lucifer.
He will listen to rock 'n' roll.

Sunday, July 24, 2011



Lost Thought.

I came up with a new idea for a Thought Catalog article when I couldn't sleep last night.  I eventually fell asleep and can't remember the idea anymore.  Damn.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts.

Lying face down on my bed, listening to M83's Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts and thinking that it would be awesome to hook up while listening to this album.

Black Swan.

Black Swan was a kafkaesque film.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I've been lurking around the blogosphere and have found many intriguing blogs.  I can't help but notice that my writing style is very dry, stale and impersonable.  I feel like my undergraduate studies have drained the life and soul from my written expression.  "Clear and concise," is what they ingrained into us all those years, essay after essay, reading after reading.  Well it seems to have fucked many of us over, what is academic writing good for anyways?  Perhaps, perpetual intellectual masturbation of one another, justifying their choices to pursue academia rather than engaging life in the real world.  Whatever, maybe I'm just reading too many 'hipster' blogs.

Monday, July 11, 2011


It seems that I have returned to my irregular sleeping schedule.  It's 7am in the morning and I still have yet to fall asleep. I've woken up in the afternoon the past several days, which conclusively ends my "normal sleep schedule" streak.  I achieved three successful weeks of having a normal sleep schedule.  Life was good, productive and full of opportunities.  It seems that I am once again damned to tossing and turning endlessly every night and killing time with unproductive fixations and musings.  Fuck.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

15 Minutes.

Someone told me last night, that his uncle, a Norse mythologist and writer, once said that getting just 15 minutes of productivity done every day is an accomplishment.

I suppose I should start trying to at least be productive for 15 minutes everyday and work from there ...

Also, a Norse mythologist.  Awesome.

Monday, July 4, 2011


I found a desk on the street today.  I went home, picked up my skateboard and went back for the desk.  I tried flipping it upside down and placing it on the skateboard, it scratched the desktop surface, and it did not work.  I ended up propping one side of the desk on the skateboard, lifting the other side and walked it home.  It was quite the treacherous journey amidst the hot July afternoon soon.  I made it home.  I now have a desk.  Productivity potential has increased 25%.